Monday, November 30, 2009

Emotional Pictures

In Media class we had to find a picture that gave us a certain emotion. I chose one of a panda eating bamboo. Here is the link if you want to see the picture: It should be the sixth one under good news photos. I chose the panda picture because I felt happy seeing a panda eating and doing nothing else. I might have to choose a different picture to use in a project for later though, because I couldn't get the image off of the website.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Exercise and Homework

ABC News did a story on a new research that says kids learn more when they are moving around instead of just sitting. They showed two pictures of a brain. One was a brain with no exercise and had less energy and the other was of a brain with exercise that had more energy. Now more schools are letting kids sit on big bouncing balls or stand at their desks. I think this is a good idea because kids need to move around or else they will get bored and not want to learn or do anything in school. Our school meets the needs to fidget because we have things to squeeze in classrooms. I think that schools should stretch before class so they will be more awake.

Monday, November 23, 2009


There is a website called which is a website where you can post messages to different messages to people anywhere. It can be used in the classroom to send assignments to students that are home sick from school. It can also be used for students who are all done with their work to talk without making too much noise. It can help the class talk without disturbing people who are trying to work, but they could distract others who type on edmodo instead of doing their work. Edmodo would probably work in big classrooms so the teacher doesn't have to repeat what he or she has said in case other students aren't listening. I could use this when I can't remember an assignment and forgot to write it in my assignment book.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog of Interest

This week, we were supposed to find a blog that we were interested about and respond to it. I chose a blog that a writer on wrote about President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. The author said that Olympic champion Brian Jenner is criticizing the Nobel Committee's decision to give the prize to Obama, believing that he did nothing to earn it. The author also put up a question on the blog asking readers if they think that Obama deserved the prize. There were many comments on the blog. Here is a link to the blog so you can read it for yourself and post your opinion:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Future Blogs

Mrs. Thompson gave us blogs we did that she thought were good examples of how a blog should look. We read the blogs and they all had great word choice, they got right to the point of what they were talking about, and they kept your attention to keep reading. We then voted on which one we thought was the best one. I am going to make all of my other blogs that I write in the future to be like the ones that we read.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Web Conferences

On September 25, 2009 two of our teachers had a web conference about an Internet class that students who stay in the afternoon have to take. I think that web conferences are good for when you have to learn something about computers that you can't figure out. I think that it would be hard to communicate to another person by just talking to them through a microphone but it would be easier to just type to everyone else. Web conferencing would probably cost less when communicating to someone far away than to call them by phone or to write them a letter.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Blog week two

This week in Media class, we had to make a podcast about anything we wanted. I had to work with Blake and Audrey. We decided our podcast was going to a newscast. We would each do a different news story but only two would be real and one would be fake. I got to write the fake article. My newscast was about Barack Obama eating lunch at Burger King with Bigfoot, Blake's was about about an old woman hitting a car and activating an air bag, and Audrey's was about Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift at the Video Music Awards on MTV. I think this was a good idea.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Facebook Fraud

In Media class today, we saw a video about a woman in Quebec that was tricked into giving money to a hacker pretending to be her cousin in New York. The hacker found the cousin's account on FaceBook and was able to pretend to be the cousin. The woman sent the money at first but soon discovered that the person asking for money was a stranger. Police are teaching that if they get an e-mail or message on a chat site asking for money, to not give them the money. Hopefully people will stop giving people money over the Internet and hackers will give up soon.